Pay Your Bill Online
To pay your hospital bill, click the green button below. Please have your bill handy and look for the account number starting with the letters C, P, or V. (Example: V00000000000-1). To pay your hospital bill over the phone, please call 800-695-2514.

To pay your Community Medical Associates bill, click the blue button below. Please have your bill handy and look for the account number starting with the letter A. (Example: A00000000000-1). To pay your Community Medical Associates bill over the phone, please call 800-695-2514.

Hospital bills can also be paid in person by visiting the Cashier's Office on the first floor of the hospital, or by sending payments to:
Lawrence General Hospital
Patient Financial Services
P.O. Box 847223
Boston, MA 02284-7223.
After services are rendered, your bill will be submitted directly to your insurance carrier. If there is a remaining balance beyond insurance coverage, you will receive a statement for that amount. If you would like to receive an itemized bill, you may request one from Patient Accounts. Payment plans and financial assistance are available.
You may also receive bills from others involved in your care, such as your personal physician, radiologist, pathologist, or anesthesiologist. You must arrange to pay these bills directly to the practitioners.
For questions regarding your bill, please call Patient Accounts at 800-695-2514, Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. You may also email