How to prepare for your study:
One to two days before your scheduled test, we ask that you complete the provided questionnaire and pack your belongings and paperwork that you need to bring with you.
If you haven’t already, confirm your appointment with Lawrence General. If you do not confirm the appointment, it will be cancelled. You should receive a call automatically, but if you do not hear from the lab within two days of your scheduled study, please notify us at
On the day of the study- take all your medications unless otherwise directed by your provider. Bring any medications with you that you may need such as inhalers or epi pens. Leave all valuables at home. The sleep center is not responsible for any lost items. Bring personal toiletry items, towels will be provided to you. Bring a book or a magazine if you like to read when you go to bed.
DO NOT consume alcohol or excessive amounts of caffeine and please do not use cream or oil products on your hair or skin. We can help with the following:
- Walkers, wheelchairs or canes
- Assistance walking or using the restroom
- Incontinence
- Inability to sleep in a bed or lying flat
- Supplemental oxygen
- Certain cardiac issues
- Allergies
- Certain respiratory disorders
- Depression or anxiety
- Interpreters
- The need for someone to stay with you during the study
On the night of your study, you will enter the hospital through the Russell Basement entrance with the blue awning. You may have to press the button on your right to be buzzed in. The Sleep Center is located in the Russell Building on the basement level, on your left. When you check-in with the technician, you will review admission paperwork, provide a copy of your identification and insurance card, and return your sleep questionnaire.
During Your Study
You will stay in a private room with a full sized bed. The room includes a television. Snacks and a light breakfast will be available to you. Sensors will be applied to your head, face, chest and legs. Throughout the night you will be monitored by a trained sleep technician. The technician is responsible for making you comfortable while obtaining a high quality sleep recording. Sleep studies are not painful and no medication is administered. The test will end, and you will be able to leave between 6:00 and 7:00 a.m. We discharge early so we will not interfere with anything you have planned the following day (work, child care, etc.). If you prefer to arrive earlier or later for your appointment, or wake up earlier or later after your test, please let us know so we can accommodate your requirements.
When you are discharged from the lab, the technician will explain next steps specific to your situation, and how to obtain the results of your study. You will also be offered a survey to rate the lab and the technician. If you have any questions about the process, you can contact the lab at
(978) 946-8297 or email
Hospital Campus: Sleep Center

Hospital Campus: Sleep Center
1 General Street Sleep Center, Basement Lawrence, MA, 01841