Venous Treatment Options

Non-surgical treatment

Treatment for peripheral venous disease begins with conservative treatments to increase the flow of blood from the extremities.

  • Sitting or lying down with the legs elevated uses gravity to increase blood flow and reduce symptoms like swelling, itching or cramping 
  • Wearing compression stockings is often helpful as they are tighter at the ankles than further up the leg, providing a gentle pressure that forces blood upward toward the heart 
  • Increased exercise, especially walking increases blood flow and helps maintain healthier weight

Surgical treatment

Minimally invasive surgical procedures are available to treat more serious venous disease, such as leaking from a varicose vein. Ask your doctor what may be appropriate for you, including:

  • Sclerotherapy: Treats veins close to the skin’s surface, using small needles and a medicine that causes the veins to seal shut, with blood finding other healthy veins through which to circulate back to the heart. 
  • Phlebectomy: Usually an outpatient procedure in which the surgeon removes varicose veins, diverting blood flow to other nearby vessels. 
  • Endovenous laser or radio frequency ablation: A special laser fiber is threaded into the vein and advanced to the site of the leak, where it seals the vein shut, diverting blood flow to other nearby healthy veins.

Connect With Us

To reach the Vascular Program at Lawrence General, please call 978-946-8564.

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Gary Pare'

Vascular Surgery
Vascular and Vein Assoc.

Arthur Gonsalves

Vascular Surgery
Vascular and Vein Assoc.